Developing the Next Generation of Astronomers at Four Seasons Resort Lānaʻi
This past July, Kehau Esteban and Isabel Campbell, from the Love Lāna‘i team, travelled to Hilo to meet with Doug Simmons, director of the University of Hawai‘i’s Institute for Astronomy (IfA), to discuss practical ways to enhance Lānaʻi’s observatory experience and visit the campus facilities.
LHES’s STEM Capstone Project: Food Sustainability
LHES students Hershey Lei Manuel and Miguel Nakao conducted research and data analysis to address the island’s food security issues.
Immortalizing Lāna‘i’s Pineapple Past: Life Lessons for Gen Z
Stories of the past serve as the foundation for the present and future, offering valuable lessons for inspiration and transformation.
A Filmmaker’s Journey from Lāna‘i to New York
Throughout her time on Lāna‘i, Lucie explored her passion for filmmaking. Soon, she’ll be off to Pace University in New York City, where she’ll major in arts and entertainment management.
A Monk Seal Named Lepeka
Hawaiian monk seals, one of the world’s most endangered marine mammals, are making a remarkable comeback with around 1,500 now in Hawaiian waters. Lepeka is one of the newest additions to the population.
Young Brothers’ Installation of ShoreTension Mooring System to Improve Service for Lāna‘i
Young Brothers’ new ShoreTension mooring system will keep the barge steady against the dock during inclement weather and ocean conditions, enhancing the reliability and safety of cargo operations.
A New Bus for Student Athletes
The much-needed acquisition of a new 14-seat school bus for Lāna‘i High & Elementary School was a collaborative effort involving multiple donors.
Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish Celebrates Feast Day with Theme of “Enduring Love”
On June 9, 2024, the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Catholic Church celebrated its annual Parish Feast Day.
Reflections of the Lāna‘i Pinelass Softball Team
Graziella Reese reflects on the Pinelasses’ most recent softball season.
New June issue of Lāna‘i Today now available!
New June issue of Lanai Today now available!
Expanding the REACH in Response to the Pandemic’s Impact on Youth
During the COVID-19 pandemic, students at Lāna‘i High & Elementary School (LHES) faced considerable challenges, primarily due to increased isolation and limited opportunities for social interaction.
Nā Kūpuna & the Arts
The Lāna‘i Senior Center is a happening place for art nowadays. Since last year, Kapua Weinhouse, dedicating time away from her 2.2-acre farm, has been imparting the joy of various art forms to our Nā Kūpuna.
Kanoe Shimizu Appointed to Independent Nomination Board
Shimizu’s commitment to Lāna‘i and its future led her to join the Independent Nomination Board (INB) for Maui County, where she sees a vital role in shaping the island’s representation.