The Lanai Destination Management Action Plan
Written by Meagan DeGaia, Destination Manager, Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau
Photo courtesy of Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau
Back in 2020, as the pandemic was unfolding, the Hawaii Tourism Authority began to form Steering Committees on each island in the state, including on Lanai. Made up of local residents and the visitors industry, the Steering Committee for Lanai brainstormed how they would like to redefine and reset the direction of tourism on the island. Their work together resulted in the Lanai Destination Management Action Plan, also known as the Lanai DMAP. This solutions-based plan lists actions and subactions which outline the work needed to steer tourism on Lanai in a culturally-sensitive, community-driven direction.
One of the actions the Lanai Steering Committee wrote into the Lanai DMAP was to create a Lanai Advisory Group to guide messaging and campaigns to develop a unique brand for Lanai City. Starting in the fall of 2021, the Lanai Advisory Group has been working hard alongside the Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau and the Hawaii Tourism Authority to create a new brand for their island. The purpose of this is to educate visitors to plan a meaningful day trip or stay on Lanai, which respects the culture and natural resources on Lanai. Several working meetings together resulted in the group identifying the negative words and images that have been used in the past to characterize and promote their island. Examples include, “My playground,” associations with luxury, improper place names (for example, referring to Puʻupehe as “Sweetheart Rock”) and improper pronunciations (for example, using the same pronunciation for the name of the island and a porch). While the Lanai Advisory Group recognizes the role of opulence on the island through the resorts, their effort have been geared towards highlighting Lanai City as well as culturally sensitive, responsible tourism. One aspect of this has been minimizing messaging featuring Hulopoe Beach and educating visitors about alternatives to the beach to alleviate overcrowding. Additionally, the Lanai Advisory Group rejected the use of photographs showing pineapples (when taken out of context within plantation history) and photographs of Jeeps speeding down dirt roads, giving the impression that its acceptable to drive irresponsibly.
What words, images and feelings did the Lanai Advisory Group identify to represent the island? Plenty. Lanai Advisory Group members agreed that they wanted “Aloha spirit” linked with Lanai. They want visitors to know their island as a peaceful, serene, relaxing and restorative escape. The Group prefers that Lanai be represented as more than meets the eye; Lanai is different, unique, friendly and honest. Images and verbiage used to promote the island will now illustrate the tight knit community residents cherish and the slower pace of the historic, charming town of Lanai City. Culture and history was also a reocurring theme in how they intend to be represented. Their community-driven messaging also directs that images promoting a lavish lifestyle on Lanai be replaced with images showing that Lanai is a place for locals, so that neighbor island residents know that kamaaina are welcome to visit. Images showcasing the conservation of natural resources was also on the list, as were images that represent obscurity, such as the low-hanging clouds that often drape the mountains on Lanai, alluding to a hidden depth.
The compilation of the Lanai Advisory Group’s work to rebrand the island has radiated out to reach visitors through a variety of touch points. The Lanai Advisory Group worked closely with the Maui Visitors & Convention Bureau, through DMAP funds, to produce a new Lanai brochure which contains community-supported messaging throughout. “Visit the Enticing Island of Lanai” was replaced with the Lanai Advisory Group-created, “Escape to the quiet island of Lanai.” The brochure includes a map of Lanai City, focus on the Lanai Cat Sanctuary, the Lanai Art Center, a QR code to download the free Lanai Guide app which was produced by the Lanai Culture & Heritage Center, a sample day trip itinerary and other messaging such as: Be sure to give a friendly “Lanai wave” when driving.
Community-driven rebranding efforts have included:
Revising Expeditions Ferry website with community-supported messaging
Revising collateral provided to partners, travel agents, meeting planners, wholesalers, media and visitors.
Revising Go Hawaii website (in progress)
Creating and distributing a new Lanai brochure
Creating a social media campaign with community-supported messaging
Procuring new photo assets from a Lanai-based photographer with a focus on Lanai City and community-supported activities
Producing five, 3:00 minute, HI Now TV spots with a focus on Lanai City, the Lanai Guide App, Lanai Cat Sanctuary, Lanai Adventure Park and the Malama Lanai Day Trip
Community-supported messaging woven throughout each video.
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