Expeditions' Dedication to Service Amidst Adversity
Photo courtesy of Anthony Kaauamo
UPDATE: Starting the week of December 11, Expeditions will operate two round trips a day, seven days a week. For the new schedule, visit go-lanai.com.
In the face of profound loss, Expeditions, known for its three-decade-long service as the only ferry connection between Maui and Lanai, faced a devastating setback. The August 8th wildfire that ravaged Lahaina left them reeling, as they lost everything — their offices, warehouse, computers, servers, and critical records. To compound the tragedy, Expeditions II, one of their vessels, succumbed to the harbor fire. Their inventory of spare parts for boat repairs was reduced to ashes, leaving them in an unprecedented situation.
Adding to the tragedy, many staff members also lost their homes in the fire, further deepening the challenges faced by the entire Expeditions family. But it was precisely because of everything they had lost that Expeditions took swift action. They shifted their operations from Lahaina Small Boat Harbor to Maʻalaea Harbor and were back in service just four days after the wildfire. In the midst of destruction, they resolved to continue serving the community, despite overwhelming challenges — with the company effectively rebooting from scratch.
In the pre-dawn hours of August 8, Captain Robert called Bill Caldwell, president of Expeditions, to inform him of the strong winds. Caldwell informed Captain Robert that they should keep the ferry anchored that day. “I couldn’t imagine the crew going to Lanai and bringing people back into an inferno. There would be no way they could have landed. Zero. That’s how bad it was and how fast it accelerated,” Caldwell said.
Expeditions plays a critical role in connecting the Lanai community with essential healthcare services beyond the island, including medical examinations, dentists, and mental health professionals. For Lanai residents, access to these healthcare providers often requires traveling off the island. Expeditions serves as a lifeline for those in need of these crucial services, ensuring that they can access the care and support they require. Additionally, firefighters and construction crews from Maui rely on the ferry to provide their services to Lanai.
Lanai small businesses also rely heavily on Expeditions for day guests who patronize establishments like Blue Ginger Café and the Mike Carroll Gallery. Phoenix Dupree, co-owner of the café, expressed his gratitude, saying, “I can’t imagine if I lost every business record, how would I operate? What would I do? Where would I be in order to recover things? Yet, they're operating, which we're grateful for." Mike Caroll also highlighted the significance of Expeditions' swift resumption of service, stating, "Expeditions going again so quickly after the fire was such a big benefit for our island. I was really shocked. I thought it would take weeks or a month before we even saw the first boat over here."
"We want to rebuild,” said Caldwell, “That's how dedicated we are." While challenges remain, including adjustments to ferry operations as their recovery progresses, their commitment to serving the community remains unwavering. They continue to strive to restore services to their pre-crisis levels, understanding the importance of connecting the communities of Lanai and Maui. "We're not just here for profit; we're here to care for people and provide transportation."
“We’re not just here for profit; we’re here to care for people and provide transportation.”